Team Ostium

(Click for Season Six Guest Stars)


Alex C. Telander

Alex is the creator, writer and producer for Ostium.

Alex started writing as a teenager, and has penned a number of novels and numerous short stories. For ten years he ran Bookbanter, a site and blog of book reviews and author interviews. He has self-published two short story collections, Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers and In That Quiet Earth, as well as a young adult novel, Kyra: The First Book of Enchantus. His short story, “My Dark Genesis,” was published in the anthology, These Vampires Still Don’t Sparkle. For info and updates on Alex, you can follow him on Twitter: @bookbanter.


Chris Fletcher

Chris is the voice of Jake Fisher. Chris also composes the interstitial music pieces in each episode of Ostium.

Chris teaches high school English and enjoys making music in his spare time. In the early days of podcasting, Chris produced an anthology horror fiction podcast called The Late Late Show. Yes, one of Alex’s stories was featured on an episode . . . it was the start of a beautiful friendship.


Georgia Mckenzie

Georgia is the voice of Monica. She also made the Ostium teasers and has written for the podcast.

Georgia is a writer, director and performer in Northern California. She’s been location photographer for events such as the Davis Music Festival and film & TV productions like “Rellik”. Her directorial debut was in the short, “RomCom Studies”, the script for which was a finalist in the First Time TV Writer’s competition. See more of her work at


Sara Warren

Sara Warren is the brilliant artist behind the Ostium logo, transcript covers and illustrations.

Sara, known to some by her alias Captain Sunshine, has been dabbling in art since she was a wee bairn. She is a fan or horror, video games and kick-ass women and these themes run through much of her work. When not illustrating for projects and fun, she can often been found playing video games, immersed in a book or venturing out of doors for camping and hiking. She’s also got a soft spot for critters, especially her 13lb tomcat. Check out Sara’s Facebook art page.

Christina Amos

Christina is the Admin for the Ostium Network community discord and co-host of Behind the Ostium.

Christina is a mom to two pretty amazing humans and four adorable cats, as well as, a self proclaimed elder millennial gamer that likes to stream every now and then.

Finding solace in audio dramas during a tragic point in her life, she found comfort in the town of Ostium and quickly became an active member of the community. Getting to contribute to the community that did so much for her unbeknownst to them is a dream come true.